Online Writing Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror

Become a better writer!

Try A Month Free

Since 2000, OWW has been helping people become better writers. Our members have made over 1,500 sales to print and online publications, won many awards (including the Hugo), and appeared in Best Of anthologies. Dozens of members have sold novels to major publishers.

What members say about their Workshop experience

"The comments and encouragement I received were invaluable in helping me improve my skills. I wouldn't have gone to Clarion if I hadn't first gone through the workshop."
Chris Evans, author, Simon & Schuster
"I think an active membership in OWW is one of the very best investments a genre writer can make in his or her future."
Colleen Lindsay, literary agent
"When I decided to get serious about writing, my very first stop was the Online Writing Workshop. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm not exaggerating when I say it changed my life -- I doubt I'd have a career now if I hadn't joined the workshop."
Ian Tregillis, author, Tor Books

Member Success Stories

Whatever your level, the workshop's community of writers--brand-new and published--can
help you grow.

What we offer

A community of writers

Like an in-person workshop, we are a community of writers who review each others' work--sometimes paying back, sometimes paying forward, building skills by reviewing and being reviewed.

Our moderated groups provide discussion, answers, and advice. Member-run events like the annual Crit Marathon and occasional contests are motivating and fun. Focus Groups delve into member-requested topics like synopsis writing, plotting, and book proposals.

The power of reviews

Insightful reviews power the workshop, so new reviewers get guidance, templates, even mentoring.

Professional input

Professional reviews each month cover common writing weaknesses, provide solutions, and model excellent reviewing.

Our secret

Members find they learn as much from reviewing others as from receiving reviews--maybe more.

How it works

Post your writing

Post a short story or novel chapter along with specific review requests and details.

Get it reviewed

Receive reviews from other members, whose submissions and other reviews you can see and evaluate. Read and learn from those reviews.

Give reviews

Browse submissions according to your interests and review whatever you like. If you need help with reviewing, we provide resources, examples, and how-to information...even one-on-one help. You earn points for reviewing, and spend them to post your own writing.

Learn from the community

Read and learn from others' reviews and the professional reviews in our monthly newsletter. The newsletter also brings you members' publication announcements and other news, interviews, and occasional tips and book reviews.

Our members have made their first sales, made their careers, formed mutual critique groups, even gotten married to each other!

Free Trial Membership

Your free trial month includes full access to all the workshop's features. Submit your work, review other submissions, dive into our discussion list.

We offer built-in help for how to best use the workshop, how to review, and many other questions new members have.

Ready to give it a try?

Same Details

There is a current workshop member with the same first and last name and/or the same e-mail address that you have just submitted for a new membership. If you are a current member but have forgotten your password or log-in name, please use the password/ID request form (or contact us) and do not submit this form. If you have deleted your membership and now wish to reinstate it, contact us and we will set you up again; do not submit this form.

However, if you just happen to have the same name as a current member, please add your middle name to the first-name text box or otherwise differentiate your name from the current member's. This will prevent confusion in the future. Then go ahead and click on the "Next Step" button to join the workshop.

If you are using the same e-mail address as a current member (for example, sharing a household or classroom account), no problem. Just go ahead and click on the "Next Step" button to join the workshop.


Okay, it's useful and unique, and I learned a bunch in my free month. How much does membership cost?

Our costs are as low as we can make them, and we offer three plans:

  • $49 a year (that's 94 cents a week)
  • $30 for six months
  • $6 per month (via PayPal subscription)