Online Writing Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror

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Reviewer Honor Roll

Listed here (and highlighted in each monthly newsletter) are the people who have given useful, insightful reviews that have been appreciated by the authors (or others who have learned from the review). After all, that's what makes the workshop go, and we want to give great reviewers a little well-earned recognition from the workshop community. If you've received a review you really appreciated and would like to the reviewer to appear in the Reviewer Honor Roll, just fill out the nomination form to send your nomination to the workshop staff. Nominations are added to this page monthly.

Last Month's Nominees (in chronological order)

Reviewer: Roberta Ecks
Submission: Bright Future v4 by Steve Brady
Submitted by: Steve Brady
Nominator's Comments: Besides being very thorough at a sentence level, she found a main issue for revision. I'd been trying to make the utopian page inspiring like a utopian novel aspires to be, rather than accept I had a brief outline of a utopia and focusing on the protag's experience.

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