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The latest sales and accomplishments by workshop members
December 2015
Kate Ellis' story "Liarbird" was the grand prize winner of the 2015 Defenestrationism Short Fiction Contest, and her story "At the Sixes' and the Sevens'" will appear in a forthcoming issue of Crossed Genres.
Gregor Hartmann wrote with great news: "Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful" (my "uber-nerd" story), which was critiqued here last summer, has been bought by F&SF. My thanks to Tom Greene, George Allen Miller, Gene Schiappa, Allan Dyen-Shapiro, and R.M. Smythe for their close readings and thoughtful suggestions.
L.J. Kendall wants us all to know that his book Wild Thing, Vol 1 of The Leeth Dossier, is now available on Amazon. You can find it here.
Tim Major's story "Read/Write Head" will appeart in The Museum of All Things Awesome And That Go Boom anthology from Upper Rubber Boot Books, to be published in 2016.
Clint Spivey's story "Kara's Ares" appeared in the December 2015 issue of Fantasy Scroll Magazine.
November 2015Elizabeth Bear wants us all to know: "Karen Memory is a Library Journal Best Book for 2015! Karen Memory is ALSO nominated for an Romantic Times Reviewer's Award for Fantasy Adventure Novel!"
Tony Peak: "Just wanted to let you know that my Ace/Roc novel Inherit the Stars was released on November 3rd, and that Barnes & Noble selected it for one of their Bookseller's Picks for November 2015!"
Allan Dyen-Shapiro has great news again this month: "Hi, all. I just made my first short-story sale to a venue that will pay professional rates (eighth story sold overall). My story, 'The Bimani Hilton,' grew from the one-letter change in the title from a real place. The anthology, Clash of the Titles will drop at MidAmericon II. I'm really excited about this. Thanks for being the sort of people with whom I'm happy to share such news."
Clint Spivey's story "Girls' Gun" appears in the November 2015 issue of SQ Mag: International Speculative Fiction eZine.
William R.D. Wood's story "Dew of Heaven, Like Ashes" will appear in the Horror volume of the Gothic Fantasy Short Stories series. Pub date is forthcoming.
October 2015
Rae Carson sent this message to all of us, and maybe the world: "Just learned that Walk On Earth A Stranger debuted at #2 on the NYT list and now I'm crying and WHERE IS MY CHAMPAGNE aaaaaghhhh!"
Heidi Kneale sent great news: "Thought I'd let you know I sold my novella "Marry Me" to The Wild Rose Press. It's coming out in February 2016 as part of their "Candy Hearts" series. Valuable thanks to fellow critters Mel Lievaart, Rod Michalchuk, Pat Blue, Heidi Wainera, Charlotte Noyen, Owen Richards and especially Allan Dyen-Shapiro who read the whole thing."
Jodi Meadows' 2016 novel The Mirror King was named on The New York Library's blog post "12 YA Books I Can't Wait To Read In 2016." You can read the blog post here.
Allan Dyen-Shapiro has more good news: "Hi, all. Just sold another flash piece. "I, Robocall" sold to AntipodeanSF. Thanks to all who critiqued it on OWW for the wonderful feedback that got it in shape to be salable. That would be Robert Graves, Rob Smythe, Tim Major, Zvi Zaks, Steve Brady, Amos Peverill, William Wood, and Elad Haber. This workshop is great. Thanks to all of you for your support, friendship, and advice." And the secret leaked that Allan also sold his story "She Tasted Salt" to the anthology From Florida With Love: Sunrise and Stormy Skies, published by Melange Press. Look for his story in summer of 2016.
Wade Albert White has major news to share: "My debut book, The Adventurer’s Guide to Successful Escapes, and its sequel, The Adventurer’s Guide to Dragons (and Why They Keep Biting Me), sold to Little Brown Books for Young Readers (to be published in Fall 2016/2017 respectively). My thanks to the many, many OWWers who commented on early drafts of the book: Aimee Blume, Ken Byars, Sarah Byrne, Laura Capasso, Senner Dan, Kit Davis, Sandy Fetchko, Jane Forni, Robert M. Graves, Mary Hallberg, Jeanne Haskin, Rita de Heer, Kathryn Jankowski, Michael Keyton, Katrina Oppermann, Dragon Paradise, L. K. Pinaire, Phillip Spencer, Sue Wachtman, and Kim J. Zimring. Your helpful critiques and words of encouragement were greatly appreciated!"
September 2015
David Busboom has lots of news. "The Vindication of Y'ha-nthlei" appeared in Whispers from the Abyss, Vol. 2 from 01 Publishing in September 2015, "From the Dusty Mesa" will appear in Walk Hand in Hand Into Extinction from That Lit Press in the near future, and "A Note on the Body of Prior Lewis" is forthcoming in Nameless Digest.
Adrian Cross wants us all to know: "Thanks to the great feedback from the OWW critiquers, I am pleased to report a couple of recent successes: For publication in forthcoming An Improbable Truth: Paranormal Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Mocha Memoirs Press (Oct 2015), 'Time's Running Out, Watson.' And an honorable mention in Writers of the Future, 3Q 2015, for 'To Kill A Worm.' Thanks for the help!"
Allen Dyen-Shapiro wrote to say: "Some fun news--I have another sale to report. 'A Difficult Transition,' a story that went through two rounds of critique here on OWW, sold to Nebula Rift and will be out September 18th. This is the second of my stories to sell to this particular venue. Thanks to all those who critiqued it: Tom Norwood, Michael Pignatella, Debra Crichlow, Zvi Zaks, Roberta Ecks, Gene Spears, Joshua Michaels, Dragon Paradise, and Tim Major. This is a wonderful group; I couldn't have sold anything without all of you."
R. M. Graves' story "One For Sorrow, Two For Joy" will appear in the October 2015 Circa Journal of Historic Fiction.
Gregor Hartman sold another story to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Look for "A Gathering on Gravity's Shore" sometime in 2016.
OWW alumn Anna Kashina was interviewed on USA Today's Happy Ever After Blog about her Assassin's Guild series. You can find the interview here.
Tim Major's story "Cowardy Custard" will appear in the upcoming anthology We Need to Talk (Jurassic London).
Amal Singh's story "Spectrum" is in the September 2015 issue of New Realm magazine.
August 2015
Scott Beckman wanted us to know: "My high-fantasy epic novel, called Wings of the Sathakos, is available in ebook on Amazon. You can find it here."
David Busboom's story "The Vindication of Y'ha-nthlei" will appear in Whispers From The Abyss, October 2015.
OWW member Robert Graves has great news:"I got 3rd place in the second quarter 2015 Writers of the Future Contest with my OWW-critted story "Freebot." Thanks again to all that helped me with it."
John Meszaros says:"I've been a contributor to the Workshop for several years now. From 2013-2014, I posted my book, At Yomi's Gate, for critique. At Yomi's Gate is now available through Amazon, Kindle and my Createspace store, with Nook coming soon. You can find it here."
Aimee Picchi's story "Frank Discussions with your Genie" will appear in a forthcoming issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.
Seth Skorkowsky's short story collection Sea Of Quills will be available from Ragnarok Publications in October 2015.
July 2015David Busboom's story "Monsters on the Campus" appears in the August issue of GonzoToday.
Anna Kashina has really great news -- her novel The Guild of Assassins won two Prism Awards, topping the fantasy category.
Tim Major's short story "For a Tooth" appeared in Every Day Fiction and his story "Tunnel Vision" is part of the Kitchen Sink Gothic anthology from Parallel Universe Publications.
Fran Wilde has some exciting news she wants to share. Her high-fantasy novella The Jewel and Her Lapidary is forthcoming from Publishing. Look for it in spring or summer of 2016.
June 2015
Gregor Hartmann wanted us to know "My story 'A Gathering on Gravity's Shore,' which was critiqued at OWW earlier this year, sold to F&SF. Editor Charles Finlay says it will appear next year. My thanks to everyone who weighed in on it."
Roger Lovelace has a new story coming out: "Creeping Up On Titan" will appear in the July 2015 issue of Chrome Baby.
Nicole Minsk wrote to tell us that her book I Know How You Feel: The Sensate, which won an EC while being workshopped at OWW, has been published and is available as a Kindle book on Amazon.
May 2015
Workshop alum Kathryn Allen wrote to tell us: "My strange western story 'Pale' is going to be part of the Beneath Ceaseless Skies anthology Weird Western Stories From Beneath Ceaseless Skies. And I've sold a story to Pseudopod: 'Unheil' will appear on their site soon."
Charles Coleman Finlay wants us to know that his story "Time Bomb Time" is in the current issue of Lightspeed. He says, "My memory is that I actually workshopped the first draft of this story on OWW back in 2003. (Yes, it took me over a decade to finish and sell it. Don't judge. It was a hard story to write! And I had to become a much better writer first.)"
Rhonda Garcia has big news: "First, I was invited to be a panelist at the Bocas Lit Festival, which is the premiere Lit Festival in my country, and one of the biggest in the Caribbean. When I got home, I had an e-mail waiting that said Lex Talionis had won the Silver Medal for Best Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror Ebook at this year's Independent Publishers Book Awards. I was completely NOT expecting this, so I'm really thrilled. Lex Talionis would not be out in the world and doing well without the OWW, my publisher Dragonwell Publishing, my fellow writers, or this list. Thanks to all of you for supporting me, nurturing me and most of all, not letting me give up." Go, Rhonda!
Anna Kashina announced: "I just found out that my most recent novel, The Guild of Assassins, has been shortlisted for this year's Prism Award in the fantasy category. The details are here. Last year's Prism Award went to a fellow OWWer, Amy Raby. I feel very honored, and am keeping my fingers crossed!!!" Us too, Anna.
Jodi Meadows revealed the cover for The Mirror King, the next book in her Orphan Queen series, and announced a giveaway for a copy of the ARC. Jodi says we have to wait for The Mirror King until April of 2016.
JJ Roth wrote to say: "In addition to the Nature sale last month, I've sold a flash piece, 'Barden Bernick, Living the Dream,'to Every Day Fiction."
April 2015
Beth Cato says, "Harper Voyager Impulse released my short story 'The Deepest Poison' on April 28th. This is a prequel to my steampunk fantasy novel The Clockwork Dagger, which was partially critiqued on OWW. The story is available at all online retailers. Also, my sequel novel The Clockwork Crown will come out on June 9th!"
J.J. Roth writes: "I'd like to report that I sold a short cyberpunk-ish science fiction piece, 'Heartworm,' to Nature."
Allan Dyen-Shapiro had great news to share: "A story I had workshopped on OWW, 'Salvation Seller's Last Customer,' just sold to Nebula Rift within 24 hours and came out digitally within the week. I am both astounded at their speed and totally psyched about the sale. Big thanks go out to those who critiqued the story: Daniel Connaughton, Kit Davis, Sue Cartwright, Daniel McMinn, Zed Paul, Zvi Zaks, Oliver Buckram, and Thomas Norwood. And thanks to everyone who makes up this community. You'll make a writer out of me yet."
Jess Hyslop's story "Spare a Prayer" appeared in the latest issue of The Colored Lens: Speculative Fiction.
Clint Spivey's story "Dumpster Dive" appears in the April issue of Perihelion. And Clint's story "Faster than the Speed of Sleight" was included in March's anthology Love, Time, Space, Magic: Tales of Love for the Imaginative and Fanciful as well.
Fran Wilde wanted us to know that her poem "The Ghost Tide Chantey" appeared as part of the National Poetry Month celebration at
March 2015
Elizabeth Bear has announced the official publication date for her next novel. Look for An Apprentice To Elves, co-written with Sarah Monette, on October 13, 2015.
Aliette de Bodard just revealed the cover of her newest novel House of Shattered Wings on her web site. Look for the book in September.
David Busboom says, "I have another success to report: my story "The Duelists" was accepted for the upcoming British anthology Swords Against Cthulhu by Rogue Planet Press!"
Gregor Hartmann wrote to tell us: "My story 'The Stuff of Heroes,' which was critiqued at OWW last summer, sold to Perihelion. The editor doesn't like titles that start with 'The,' so I renamed it 'Pink Adventure 87.' My thanks to the folks who critiqued it." The story is online now!
J.J. Roth has reason to celebrate: "Though the completion of this story predates my membership in OWW, I wanted to report that I've had an original fairy tale in flash fiction form, "Matryoshka," accepted for publication in Parsec Ink's Triangulation: Lost Voices anthology."
K. B. Rylander wrote to share this great news! "I won the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award for my OWW-critiqued and Editor's Choice story 'Human Natasha' (now titled 'We Fly'). It should appear on in June or July 2015."
Seth Skorkowsky has great news this month: "I wanted to announce that I've released two new books this month with Ragnarok Publications: Mountain of Daggers, a collection of sword and sorcery thief adventures, including my Editor's Choice story ''Thieves Duel,' and Hounacier, the sequel to my urban fantasy debut Dämoren. Thank you so much for all of the help and support that OWW has given me over the years."
Henry Szabranski sent a few more announcements on the story acceptance front: "In the Maze of His Infinities" was published in February at Perihelion SF, my story "The Osteomancer's Husband" has been accepted by Diabolical Plots and will appear on their site in January 2016, and finally but by no means least, "Dance of the Splintered Hands" -- the very first story I put up for crit at OWW way back in 2010 -- has been accepted by Kaleidotrope and should be out later this year."
Fran Wilde has a story appearing April 12 in the online publication Lakeside Circus: “With Regrets, the Official Report of the Ballot Incident at the Academy Scientific."
February 2015
B. Morris Allen has two more stories for us to look forward to: "Drive Like Lightning ... Crash Like Thunder" is in the forthcoming Novo Pulp 2014/15 anthology and "Blackthorn" will appear in the Genius Loci anthology.
Bo Balder wrote to say: "Just wanted to let you know I sold my OWW-critiqued (and Editor's Choice) story "Women and Houses" (critted under the title "Of Women and Hice") to Fantasy & Science Fiction, potential publication date September 2015. Also: I sold my OWW-critted novel The Wan to Pink Narcissus Press, to appear June 2015."
Former Resident Editor Elizabeth Bear has sold a story to Fantasy & Science Fiction. Watch for "The Bone War" in a future issue.
Gio Clairval keeps counting up sales: All dates TBA, but her story "The Repositioner" with Roger Lovelace will appear in The NaM3L3ss Digest; "Escape from the Slave State" will appear in Welcome to the Slave State, an Omnium Gatherum anthology edited by Chris Kelso; and "Big Sister" will be part of Our World of Horror, an Eldritch Press anthology.
Gregor Hartmann's story "Into The Fiery Planet" will be published in Fantasy & Science Fiction in 2015.
Tim Major has another sale to report: "Read/Write Head" will appear in The Museum of All Things Awesome And That Go Boom anthology from Upper Rubber Boot Books, to be published in 2016.
Workshop alum Jodi Meadows' new novel, The Orphan Queen, is out from Katherine Tegan Books this month.
Alum Sarah Prineas is well know for her middle-grade books, but her first YA novel is set to be released this year. Look for Ash & Bramble from Harper Teen in September, 2015.
Seth Skorkowsky made this proud announcement: "I just wanted to share that the audio book of my novel Dämoren has been selected as a finalist for an Audie Award in Paranormal Fiction."
Alum Ian Tregillis' new novel The Mechanical is out from Orbit this month.
Josh Vogt had a big announcement: "I wanted to share some fun news as well. My urban fantasy series, The Cleaners, has been contracted by Kevin J. Anderson's WordFire Press; the first book, Enter the Janitor, received a lot of feedback here. It will be released in May 2015, and the second book, The Maids of Wrath, should be out in 2016! Just before that, I'll have a debut novel in the form of a Pathfinder Tales sword and sorcery adventure, Forge of Ashes. It's shaping up to be quite the year, and I wanted to thank OWW for helping me get here."
January 2015B. Morris Allen wants us all to know: "My graphic novel Shadow came out this month from Red Bug Books. It was critiqued as a short story on OWW, but a workshop member recommended illustrations." Great news, Morris!
Marla Anderson reports: "I received notice that my story 'Heart Trouble,' which I workshopped on OWW and sold to Mad Scientist Journal,is now up online on their website.They added some graphics which are pretty fun. Here's the link if you're curious:" Excellent news, Marla!
David Busboom says, "I just wanted to report a success story: my horror short story 'A Note on the Body of Prior Lewis ' was recently accepted for publication in a future issue of NameL3ss Digest! This story was written as part of an OWW writing challenge, and was subsequently critiqued and revised via the workshop system, so I owe everyone here my deepest thanks." Congratulations, David.
L.S. Johnson sents this happy announcement: "I wanted to say that my story 'Vacui Magia' was bought by Strange Horizons and will be online, well, any time now really. Many, many thanks to Robert M. Graves, Daniel Connaughton, Byron Lee, Marsha Sisolak, and Steve Brady for their helpful feedback." Great news, L.S.!
Jodi Meadows wants us all to know her new novel, The Orphan Queen, hits the shelves on March 10th, but that's not all! Harper Collins is releasing a series of e-novellas set in the same world. The Hidden Prince comes out June 1, 2015,The Glowing Night arrives September 1, 2015, The Burning Hand rounds out 2015 on December 1st, and The Black Knife will be released March 1, 2016. Great news, Jodi!
Workshop alum Fran Wilde has lots of exciting news to share: "I sold a novelette to Patrick Nielsen Hayden at Tor, part of my Jeweled Valley series, called 'The Jewel and Her Lapidary.' A reprint of 'The Topaz Marquise' appears in Apex for subscribers in February. And I sold a very short Orpheus and Eurydice story to Uncanny, which will be out in the next issue. Also 'How to Walk in Historic Graveyards in the Digital Age' will be out in the next Asimov's." Major congrats, Fran!
December 2014Tom Greene slipped yet another publication by us recently: "Monoculture" was published in Interzone 255 in November 2014
Tim Major's story "Like Clockwork" won Second Prize in the 2014 Story Quest contest, and will be published in forthcoming issue of Star Quake Magazine. And to top off his year, Tim's story "The Sleeper" will be published in Phobos, Issue 3 forthcoming in 2015. Way to go, Tim!
Tony Peak wants us all to know his great news! "My science fiction novel Inherit the Stars will be published by Penguin Random House in November 2015. I workshopped the novel's earlier draft here on OWW under the working title A Star in Hand, way back in 2011-2012. Major thanks to all those who read and reviewed those chapters. This sale allowed me to join the SFWA as an Active Member." What a great way to start a New Year.
Seth Skorkowsky's short story collection Mountain Of Daggers is due to be released by Ragnarok Publications in March 2015. Congrats, Seth!
Brent Smith snuck a publication by us as well: "Schrodinger's List" appeared in Daily Science Fiction in October 2014.
November 2014
Resident Editor Leah Bobet has happy news: "It's a pleasure to announce that, after a short-fiction hiatus that's lasted way too long, “Mountaineering,” a story about a boy and a ghost and the South Pole, will appear in Start a Revolution: QUILTBAG Fiction Vying for Change, an anthology from Exile Editions releasing in Spring 2015. The rest of the table of contents is absolutely stunning, and it's a book I feel very privileged to be a part of." Excellent news, Leah!
Aliette de Bodard has exciting news! Her novel The House of Shattered Wings will be published by Gollancz in August of 2015, and there will be a sequel at a later date. Ten times awesome, Aliette!
Alum Carole Ann Moleti has great news! " A novel I put through the workshop a few years ago, The Widow's Walk, part one of a three book series, was just published by Soulmate Press. Thanks to all of you who gave me essential feedback to reach this point. The series was also part of the submission package workshops." Major congrats, Carole!
Alum Fran Wilde wants everyone to know she sold a story to "This story/prose poem/sea chanty called 'The Ghost Tide Chanty' got its start (a very early, very strange start) on the OWW as 'The Three Ships,' a short story critiqued by B. Morris Allen, Joe Essid, Gio Clairval, and several others. GO TEAM OWW - this one's FTW."
October 2014Resident Editor Leah Bobet's poem "On Living Authors" appears in the Fall 2014 issue of Goblin Fruit.
And Resident Editor Liz Bourke has a poem in Goblin Fruit, too: "Image from a Postcard Sketched Between City and Dragon," which you can listen to as well as read.
Greg Byrne has great news: "My debut novel Nine Planets, a most unusual speculative thriller workshopped on the OWW, is available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle and is due for release by Dragonwell Press on November 30!" Ten times awesome, Greg!
Gio Clairval made another sale: "Gräfenberg Fulfillment" will appear in Give - An Anthology of Anatomical Entries, edited by Michelle Kilmer and T.J. Tranchell, from When the Dead Books, due out February 14th 2015, for US National Donor's Day. Congrats, Gio!
Robert Graves sends this great news: "Very proud of being in Escape Pod with my workshopped story "Rockwork." Another workshopped story "Bullman and the Wiredling Mutha" is in the next issue of Interzone, along with two other Workshop contributors Tom Greene and Tim Major. OWW is taking over the world." Taking over the world was the plan all along. Congrats, Robert!
Henry Szabranski has another sale to add to his growing list. "Kella Vector" will appear in a future issue of Perihelion Science Fiction. Super congrats, Henry!
September 2014L.S. Johnson's story "Littoral Drift" will appear in Lackington's Issue 4, out in October 2014. Many congrats, L.S.!
Tim Majors writes to tell us: "I have publishing news! Interzone have accepted one of my SF stories for publication. I put "Finding Waltzer-Three" through the workshop in June, and it was much improved by OWW members' reviews -- so thank you!" Congrats, Tim! That's what we're here for.
James Sadler's story "Mustard World" critiqued on OWW, will appear in the July 2015 issue of Abyss and Apex. Yay, James!
Wade Albert White has a joyful announcement! "I've signed with the Elizabeth Kaplan Literary Agency, working with Arielle Datz. Magick 7.0 (working title), was workshopped on OWW in 2013. Thanks to the following reviewers who provided such useful and insightful critiques: Aimee Blume, Ken Byars, Sarah Byrne, Laura Capasso, Senner Dan, Kit Davis, Sandy Fetchko, Jane Forni, Robert M. Graves, Mary Hallberg, Jeanne Haskin, Rita de Heer, Kathryn Jankowski, Michael Keyton, Katrina Oppermann, Dragon Paradise, L. K. Pinaire, Phillip Spencer, Sue Wachtman, and Kim J. Zimring.There's absolutely no question that a huge part of my reaching this milestone was a direct result of the help and encouragement of my fellow OWWers over the years."
D. L. Young wants us all to know: "Hi! I have a couple announcements on short fiction publications, all of which passed through this workshop. My story 'The Reader,' a Writers of the Future finalist story, is part of the Tides of Possibility Science Fiction anthology. My story 'Dumpside' has been published in Kzine, a UK-based Kindle publication. Thanks to all who helped me get the kinks out of these stories!" Awesome, D.L.!
August 2014
Workshop alum Beth Cato's first novel, The Clockwork Dagger, comes out September 16.
Margaret Fisk wants us all to know that her story "To Catch A Glimpse" is out in the new These Vampires Don't Sparkle anthology. Congrats, Margaret!
Tim Majors is happy to announce that Infinite Acacia's anthology, Infinite Science Fiction One, will be released in print and epub on September 1st, and features his story "By the Numbers." That's awesome, Tim!
July 2014B. Morris Allen has three forthcoming stories we should look for: "Blind" coming in Song Stories, Vol. II, "Drive Like Lightning...Crash Like Thunder" coming in Novo Pulp 2014/14, and "Blackthorn," which will appear in the Genius Loci anthology.
Roger Lovelace has something to brag about this month:"My short piece 'You Bind Us, Joanna' has been accepted by NonBinary Review for their September 2014 publication."
Tim Majors wrote to let us know: "I have publishing news! I've just sold my novella, 'Carus and Mitch,' to Omnium Gatherum Books – it'll be published in February 2015. The first part of the story was an Editor's Choice and I'm immensely grateful to Jeanne Cavelos and many OWW members for their helpful feedback!" Congrats, Tim! We always feel a thrill when an Editor's Choice gets published.
OWW's own Amy Raby was awarded the Romance Writers of American Prism Award for Fantasy on July 26th, for her novel Spy's Honor.
And workshop alum Elizabeth Schechter was awarded the RWA Passionate Plume award for her novel House of Sable Locks.
June 2014Tim W. Burke wants us all to know he sold a novella: "I just sold 'Oracle, Detective, City Essentia' to Eggplant Productions. Thank you to Rosemary Althoff, Liz Underwood, and Ariel Long for reviewing its first half and giving me guidance for its remainder." Congrats, Tim!
Gio Claval has more sales reported this month: Later this year "Like Reeds In Summer" will appear in the Oneiros Books surrealist anthology This Is Not an Anthology, edited by Christopher Kelso (2014), and "Playground" will be in PS Publishing's Postscripts (2014). Way to go, Gio!
Daniel Connaughton was excited to tell us: "My two novels Keeper of the Bones and Imora have both been published by Double Dragon Publishing and are now available at Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and at the publisher's website. Thank you to everyone for your help and support!" Congratulations, Daniel!
Gregor Hartmann sent these glad tidings: "'Into The Fiery Planet,' a story that was reviewed here earlier this year, sold to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It will appear later this year. My thanks to the four people who critiqued it." Major congrats, Gregor!
Heidi Kneale has news to share, too: Her novella "For Richer, For Poorer" is forthcoming from The Wild Rose Press in late 2014, and her short story "Goldilocks Zone" will be published in Aphrodite Terra this August. Excellent news, Heidi!
Henry Szabranski has two stories forthcoming in the future: "The Dragonmaster's Ghost" will appear in Fantasy Scroll Magazine and "Within Without" will appear in Lakeside Circus. Great news, Henry!
May 2014Marla Anderson sent word of a writing woohoo: "I sold my story 'Heart Trouble' to Mad Scientist Journal. It's scheduled for publication next year." Excellent news, Marla!
Tim W. Burke wants all of us to know: "I just sold a story to DarkFuse: 'To Get Past It,' which was posted at OWW as 'The Pink Cellphone.' Thanks to Jeanne Cavelos, B. Morris Allen, Marion Engelke, Jim Leach and Jeff Stanley for their reviews!" Great news, Tim!
Beth Cato has a major announcement: "My steampunk fantasy novel The Clockwork Dagger will be released by Harper Voyager on September 16th, with the sequel a year later. The beginning chapters of the book were critiqued on OWW in 2012." Way to go, Beth!
Gio Clairval is having a stellar month when it comes to publications. In the month of June you can find Gio's stories all over: "Punk up Your Road Blues" in punkPunk, a Dog Horn Publishing anthology; "The Writing Cembalo" in Kisses by Clockwork, a Ticonderoga Publications anthology; and "Ambrotype" in Typehouse, a literary magazine. Major kudos, Gio!
Anna Kashina wants us all to know about a writing award: "My Dragonwell title 'Mistress of the Solstice' just won a silver medal in the fantasy category at the Independent Publishers Book Award (IPPY)." That's fantastic, Anna!
Jennifer Oliver has great news, too: "I wanted to let you know that I just sold my short dark-fantasy story 'Shuffle' to Kaleidotrope magazine. I workshopped 'Shuffle' here on the OWW and received a lot of fantastic, thoughtful feedback that helped me make the story stronger and also made me a better writer. It will be published online in 2015." Way to go, Jennifer!
April 2014Bo Balder's story "Daddy's Home" will be published in the Big Pulp Zombie Anthology Part 2, in April 2015, and his story "Civil Troll" will be part of the Local Magic Anthology, scheduled to be published for the 2014 holiday season. Congrats times two, Bo!
For the second month in a row, Elizabeth Bear has a big announcement! "There are going to be more Eternal Sky books! Tor will be publishing at least three more books in this world. This second trilogy, The Lotus Kingdoms, will follow the adventures of two mismatched mercenaries--a metal automaton and a masterless swordsman--who become embroiled in deadly interkingdom and interfamilial politics in a sweltering tropical land. Look for them starting in 2017." Woooo, Bear!
Eliza Collins has a story, "Penance," coming out from Pseudopod May 9th. Yay, Eliza!
Tom Greene's story, "Another Man's Treasure" sold to Analog for the May 2014 issue. Great news, Tom!
Seth Skorkowsky has news to share: "My novel Dämoren has been released by Ragnarok Publications and is now available on Amazon." Major congratulations, Seth!
Ian Tregillis sold his story "Testimony of Samuel Frobisher Regarding Events Upon His Majesty's Ship Confidence, 18-22 June, 1818, With Diagrams" to Fantasy and Science Fiction for the July/August 2014 issue. Super congrats, Ian!
Kim J. Zimring has sold a story to Asimov's! Look for "The Talking Cure" in the April/May 2014 issue. Yay, Kim!
March 2014Skye Alexander (writing as Skye Allen) wants us all to know she's sold her first novel! "I just sold my YA fantasy novel Pretty Peg to Harmony Ink Press. It should be released in Summer 2014. The first two chapters were Editor's Choices, and I got some great encouragement from Elizabeth Bear about the submission process, plus some helpful reviews from OWW members." Big congrats, Skye!
Our own Elizabeth Bear made a big announcement: "I have just licensed world rights (including translation and audio) for two far-future Big-Idea space operas to Simon Spanton at Gollancz. The first, entitled Ancestral Night, will be out in autumn of 2016." Yay, Bear!
Gio Clairval has two more publications on the horizon. "The Writing Cembalo" will appear in Kisses by Clockwork, a Ticonderoga Publications anthology edited by Liz Grzyb (April 2014), and "Ambrotype" will appear in Typehouse literary magazine (May 2014). Congrats to Gio on both sales!
Eliza Collins let it slip that her story "The Last King" is included in theFae anthology due out from World Weaver Press in June 2014, and her story "The Clouds In Her Eyes" will appear in Writers Of The Future, Volume 30 this month. Great news, Eliza!
Amanda Downum had a big announcement of her own: "I'm thrilled to announce that Solaris is buying my novel Dreams of Shreds & Tatters. More details to follow as I have them." Super congrats, Amanda!
Tom Greene's story "Another Man's Treasure" will appear in Analog's May 2014 issue. Congratulations, Tom!
Lynne Hardaker made her first story sale! "My first short-story publication is forthcoming in the Spring 2014 issue of Cabinet des Fees: 'Scherezade's Bequest.'" Yay, Lynne!
l.s. johnson sold "The Queen of Lakes" to the Fae anthology from World Weaver Press as well, out in June 2014. Congrats on the sale!
February 2014Skye Allen writes: "I got the word today that my short story "Edwina" will be published in Toasted Cheese in March. I workshopped the story here and it's my first fiction acceptance. Mary Garber gave me some excellent suggestions, and Jane Forni and Sandy Fetchko both pointed out the same problem with the dialog, so that showed me I needed to fix it."
Eliza Collins (as Liz Coalter) had a story "Advances" published last month in Stupefying Stories Showcase.
D.J. Daniels's story "A Day at the Beach" is online at Luna Station Quarterly.
Rhonda Garcia made a special announcement! "Dragonwell Press has announced my upcoming debut novel, Lex Talionis, on their blog with cover and all. I had just turned in my proof-edit the day before. My sister went out and bought exotic fruit, wine, and chocolate and we had ourselves a mini celebration after work because after all this time, it's finally happening. I'm finally going to publish a book." Super congrats, Rhonda!
L.S. Johnson's short story "Marigolds" is in the latest issue of Long Hidden and short story "The Queen of Lakes" will appear in the Fae anthology from World Weaver Press.
Henry Szabranski wants us to know he has a story coming out this summer: "Very pleased to announce my story 'The Edge Of Magic' will be included in the upcoming charitable anthology Fantasy For Good, edited by Richard Salter and Jordan Ellinger, published by Nightscape Press. Net proceeds will be going to Colon Cancer Alliance. The anthology includes stories from some new up-and-coming talents such as George R. R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, Piers Anthony and many others."
January 2014Allan Dyen-Shapiro sends news of two reasons to celebrate: "I'm top-of-the-moon to be able to report that I've made my first two sales of short stories, both of which were critiqued on OWW. "The Traitor's Last Words" will run in the next issue of Digital-SF. And I was just told this week that Stupefying Stories will be purchasing "Caliban's Cameras." Congratulations, Allan! We love hearing about those first sales.
Robert M. Graves's flash-fiction story "Ever Before Me" appeared recently on Every Day Fiction.
Paul Horsman's series The Shadow of the Revenaunt was published by Dutch trade publisher Zilverspoor in 2012-2013 and is now available in English as well.
Workshop alum Sarah Prineas made an exciting announcement: "I’m thrilled to announce that Harper Teen will publish two young adult books by me -- and even happier that I get to continue working with my wonderful editor, Toni Markiet. The first YA is titled Ash & Bramble, and it’s not so much a retold fairytale as an exploded one in which a happily-ever-after is the worst possible ending. It’s got smooching in it. The publication date is in May 2015. This is the book that I wrote in a wild five-week frenzy last year while moving to a new house, the book formerly known as Chrome Weasels. Which really isn’t a good title for a book with no chrome in it. Or weasels, for that matter. I did add a goat, however. The second YA book is to-be-determined and will be out in 2016."
How we chose the listings and categories above
All of the writers featured here are members of the Online Writing Workshop for SF & F (or its predecessor, the Del Rey Online Writing Workshop). We include sales and publications by workshop members (noting if the works were workshopped here, in whole or in part), current members' awards and honors, and anything else we think belongs in the Hall of Fame.
We will emphasize SF&F publications, since that's the focus of the workshop, even though we know some of our members are accomplishing other things outside the genre.
While we try to include things fairly, final determination of all Hall of Fame entries belongs to the workshop administration. We do our best to verify all information and links, but if we get anything wrong--or if we haven't included your sale or publication--please contact us.
Links: we try to provide links to more information on the publications whenever possible. In the case of book publication, we often link to Amazon, since it is an accepted source of information, but we are not an Amazon associate and aren't earning any percentage from these links. If you are the author and would like us to link to a personal or publisher site instead, just tell us which one. We have no deal with the magazines we link to for short stories, either. The only people who benefit from this feature of our site are our members and the venues that publish them.
Sold something recently? Have something currently in print that we haven't announced yet? Won an award? Garnered any other honors? Tell us about it! Send your news (including URLs if any) to us via the Contact Us form and, if appropriate, we'll include it in the Hall of Fame and/or the next workshop newsletter. The Hall of Fame is updated monthly when the newsletter is published.