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Here's where you can find out about workshop members' latest sales and other accomplishments in the world of science fiction and fantasy--click on the links to visit the publications, publishers, author sites, or book information.
December 2003
Leah Bobet's short story "September 8th to September 14th" appears in the Fall 2003 issue of Full-Unit Hookup. Her poem "The Rose-Child Iterate" appears in Strange Horizons the week of Dec. 8th.
Hannah Wolf Bowen's short story "Heavy Things" appeared in Strange Horizons the week of Dec. 8th. (Hrmmm... where else did I just read that last phrase?)
Eric Bresin had two poems, "What Becometh of Teachers" and "Beyond Spring and Winter," accepted by the Athena Newsletter for honors students at his university -- worth mentioning because the second is a spec-fic poem.
Deborah Coates sold short story "Articles of a Personal Nature" to Sci Fiction.
Former active workshop member Jennifer de Guzman sold a short story "A Season of Silence" and a poem "Carnival" to Strange Horizons. The story is a retelling of the Persephone myth in modern times, involving black leather and swanky sports cars.
Robert Evans's short story "Regret, I Am Allowed" placed as a semi-finalist in the fourth quarter of the Writers of The Future contest.
Stella Evans sold her short story, "Louisa, Johnny, and the North Shore Huldre" to Strange Horizons. Look for it in April, 2004!
Sandra McDonald's short story "The Spam of God" appears in the Fall 2003 issue of Full-Unit Hookup. She also just sold her story "Bluebeard by the Sea" to Talebones for publication next summer.
Catherine M. Morrison's flash story "A Perfect Bethlehem" appears this month's Ideomancer.
Shame works? Steve Nagy e-mailed us after last month's newsletter to give us the details on his sale, which was announced last month but annotated thusly: "Not that he bothered to send us a note or anything about it." So, again, with feeling this time: Steve Nagy's "The Revelation of St. Elvis the Impersonator" has been accepted by Electric Velocipede. Says the belatedly informative Steve, "The story was workshopped way back when, say three years ago." I remember reading the first draft and it doesn't seem that long back!
On a roll: Michael Pignatella, under his psuedonym Anthony Elam, sold his short story "A Dish Best Served Cold" to Wicked Hollow. He writes that it was "originally workshopped under the title 'Death is the Absence of Love' and sold on its first try! Thanks to Julia Reynolds, Barry Hollander, Kerri-Leigh Grady, Gill Ainsworth and Suzann Dodd!" His story "Alphabet Soup" was also voted favorite short story for the Sept - Dec issue of Aoife's Kiss. And his short story "Three Sneezes" will be appearing in either the March or June 2004 edition of Aoife's Kiss. For that story he writes: "I've lost my list of those who gave me crits, but as usual they were all helpful and all much appreciated!"
Whoot! Chelsea Polk sold "Wings and Bright Wax" to Inkspin Magazine. She sends "thanks especially to Kat Allen, who went over the whole thing sentence by sentence, and Amber van Dyk, who knew exactly how my last sentence got tangled up."
Former workshop member Dick Schatz sold short story "Operation Swamp Hunt" to Planet Relish for their December issue. He writes: "Maybe this will convince my wife that I really am funny!"
Marsha Sisolak's short story "On Whom the Pale Moon Gleams" was a quarter-finalist in the fourth quarter of the Writers of the Future contest.
James Stevens-Arce sold "Was Once a Beauty," the short story he read at WorldCon, to Cicada magazine. See the full story in this month's news section up above. And his short story "Smart Bomb" has been accepted by the Fortean Bureau.
M. Thomas sold her story "Einstein's Bride" to Planet Relish for their December issue. She tells us "The story made a brief appearance on the workshop, and left the better for it. Thanks to all the reviewers who helped with patent advice!"
Mikal Trimm's story "Natalie's Grove" was accepted by Scrybe Press. It will be out some time in December as a chapbook. His story "Innocents" will appear in the Darker Than Sin... anthology. He also sold a poem to Flytrap #2.
Kim Zimring sold her nonfiction science article "The Future of Transplantation" to Analog. She workshopped the article on OWW and says "I need to thank all the reviewers for their help, especially May Iverson, David Moore and Ken Mulholland. The reviews were a major help!"
November 2003:
An update: POLYPHONY 3, featuring stories from workshoppers Chris Clarke and Celia Marsh, is now available for order from retailers or directly from the publisher.
Sales and Publications:
Former member Kate Bachus's "Twenty Views of Tanforan" (which some of you will recall from the workshop) appears in full in issue 70 of Bewildering Stories. Charlie says check it out.
Elizabeth Bear signed a three-book deal with Bantam Spectra for HAMMERED, SCARDOWN, and WORLDWIRED. For the full story and all the thank-yous, see the lead story in news above!
Leah Bobet is on an amazing roll! Her short story "Spirits", which was a second-person challenge piece, is up this month at Fortean Bureau. She sold two flash pieces, "Scars" and "Boxing Day," (both workshopped) to H.P. Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror. Her poem "Stepsister" will be reprinted at Aoife's Kiss next month, and she sold three new poems: "The Rose-Child Iterates" to Strange Horizons, "Kiss and Makeup" to Chiaroscuro, and "Roses in December" to Flashquake .
John Borneman's flash fiction story "Unnatural Disasters" has been accepted for publication in Planet Relish Issue #32, scheduled to run in November 2003. "You Will Be There When Grabowski Dies," a poem written in second person future tense, is currently published in the October-November issue of Sidereality. John says: "Both of these were workshopped heavily and became much better pieces as a result. Thanks to all my reviewers!"
Eric Joel Breslin's story "Dumpty's Rant" appears in the second issue of Flash Me.
Linda Dicmanis won an Arts Festival literature award for $250.00 and reports that the judge is hooking her up with an agent. Congratulations! More proof that's there are as many ways to break in as there are writers breaking in.
Charles Coleman Finlay's short story "The Seal Hunter" appears in the Jan. 2004 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Just so you don't forget. "Forget-me-not," by Elizabeth Hull, is being published under the psuedonym Amina Jackson in Flash Me.
While you're at Flash Me reading Eric and Elizabeth, check out Kevin Jones's short "He Missed the Sea." Kevin tells us "It wasn't workshopped, but I did take a lot from what I learned here." Cool! That's how it's supposed to work.
Pam McNew's poem "Visiting Ross" has been accepted to Chiaroscuro for its January issue. And five of her flash fiction stories about little girls have been accepted by the Fortean Bureau. Pam tells us "of those five stories, two of them were workshopped at OWW. Thanks go to Kenneth Rapp, John Trey, Chance M, Robert Haynes, Jennifer Michaels, Rabe Ravnen and Michael Pignatella for their reviews!"
Steve Nagy sold a story to Electric Velocipede. Not that he bothered to send us a note or anything about it. But we have our ways.
All hail Sarah Prineas! In November she had stories appear in Ralan's Specstravaganza, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine ("The Fates Take a Holiday"), Paradox ("The Savage Infant"), and a snippet co-written with John Borneman in the Eggplant Literary Productions Library ("A Treatise on Elemental Magic by Professor Copernicus Finch, M.S., HexD"). Sarah assures everyone "Don't worry, that'll be it for a while." Somehow we doubt that, because this month she also sold "The Lambton Worm" to Flytrap!
Benjamin Rosenbaum sold non-speculative erotica short story "Duet in a Quiet Room" to the BLOWING KISSES anthology. His workshopped story "The Valley of Giants" appears in the premiere issue of Argosy. And his Clarion story "Embracing-the-New" appears in the Jan. 2004 issue of Asimov's!
Marsha Sisolak's story "Nine Tenths" appears in the latest issue of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.
James Stevens-Arce short screenplay "Souls" was the first-place winner in the short screenplay category at The 3rd Annual SCREAMFEST L.A. Horror Film and Screenplay Competition. It's based on his short story "Souls," which was just published in a crime fiction anthology called FEDORA II.
Lisa Swanstrom is "delighted to report that my short story 'The Grass Witch,' which I workshopped in the original Del Rey Online Writing Workshop, won first place in the Fantastical Visions fiction competition and is now in print in the anthology ."
Mikal Trimm's story "Cavemen By Firelight" was sold to Planet Relish for their November issue. He writes: "This one was never on the workshop because it sold before I could hate it." Heh heh. Funny guy.
Jeremy Yoder sold "At the Twilight Hour" to Dragons, Knights and Angels, a Christian fantasy Web site, for this December in their Christmas issue.
October 2003
Sandie Bergen told the mailing list that her story "The Cairngorm" has
been accepted by Whispering Spirits, an ezine dedicated to ghost
stories, for the October 15th edition. She wrote: "Though this
particular story was not workshopped on OWW, I still have to thank
everyone who reviewed my other stuff, pointing out my mistakes. . . or
rather, pounding me over the head until I said 'hey, you're right!' I
have learned so much in the last ten months; it's absolutely amazing."
Double the pleasure! Leah Bobet reports two sales this month. Her
flash piece "Key of Heaven" appears in the current issue of Aoife's
Kiss. And her EC runner-up story "Rosewater for His Lips" has been
accepted for the premiere issue of Arabella Romances.
"Almost forgot," Hannah Wolf Bowen e-mailed us a few days ago. "Sold my
Editor's Choice, 'My Kingdom,' to Abyss & Apex. Glad that one found a home." So
are we!
Little woo hoo! Eric Bresin's flash "It's the End of the World and
It's Your Fault" is in the current issue of Nevermore Magazine.
Stella Evans's short story "Indra's Rice" appears this week in Strange
Horizons. Go read it. Really.
Jennifer Michaels and former OWWer Cal Bates co-authored "Vanity,"
which will be available on Halloween in the Dead in Thirteen Flashes
anthology. She told us about working
with a co-author: "This was my first experience working with another
author on a project. It started with a very rough draft, which I
e-mailed to a friend for comments. He in turn rewrote the story
entirely, using a different twist on the same idea. I'd recommend
trying it at least once, especially if you're having a hard time
making a certain story work. In my case, it took a flat story and made
it sellable."
Derek R. Molata sold "Counting Bubbles" to Champagne Shivers for their
February 2004 issue. He sends "thanks to Cynthia Cloughly, Sherry
Iskrzycki, and Gill Ainsworth for their comments." Derek also sold
four poems to The Breath E-Zine, a Canadian online literary
journal, for their November 2003 issue.
On fire! Ruth Nestvold is having an
amazing year. She just sold her story "King Orfeigh" to Realms of
James Stevens-Arce's screenplay "Sins of the Heart" is a
quarterfinalist in the 2003 Slamdance Screenplay Competition. Pretty
darn cool.
Lisa von Biela was "very happy to report I just received a second
acceptance from Alien Skin Magazine,
for my story 'The Performance.' It's a short short, workshopped here
first, and it's scheduled to appear in the November 2003 edition!"
Deep Magic has accepted Wade White's
story "A Hero By Any Other Name." Congratulations, Wade!
September 2003:
Kylie Short's novel HEART OF THE WARRIOR has won
Australia's Emma Darcy Award for 2002! Kylie's manuscript, workshopped
here and on OWW's romance workshop
( beat out 55 other novel
entries in this competition judged by an editor from Mills & Boon UK.
Published recently: the annual YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION, Vol. 20,
edited by Gardner Dozois, and YEAR'S BEST FANTASY & HORROR, Vol. 16,
edited by Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow, for stories published in
2002. These volumes are also published in the UK under the Mammoth
line of titles. In addition to stories and honorable mentions by
workshop resident editors and guest editors like Kelly Link, Nalo
Hopkinson, James Patrick Kelly, and Gary A. Braunbeck, and "The
Political Officer" in YBSF by member/admin Charles Coleman Finlay,
there are honorable mentions (which represent maybe 10% of the stories
published last year) by several former and current workshop members.
From the YBSF:
Nigel Atkinson, "An Exhalation of Butterflies"
Karin Lowachee didn't make the ToC or the honorable mentions list (she
didn't publish any short fiction in 2002), but was mentioned by name in the
Year in Summary.
From The YBFH:
James Allison, "Confounding Mr. Newton"
Please correct us if we've missed anyone! This is a big jump forward
for workshop members as a whole compared to the 2001 volumes.
Congratulations to everyone who is finishing stories, submitting them,
and making sales!
Sales and Publications:
Nigel Atkinson informs us that the NIGHT LANDS anthology from Wildside
Press which includes his stories "An Exhalation of Butterflies" and
his novella "A Mouse in the Walls of the Lesser Redoubt" is now on
Amazon. "It isn't actually published until December 1st -- making it
an ideal Chrismas present!"
Gregory Banks's story "Escape Velocity," which was workshopped at OWW
in January and early February of this year, appears in the first issue
of Creative Brother's
Sci Fi Magazine. Gregory says: "I'm very excited
and honored to be in the first issue of this magazine, and I'd like to
especially thank workshop members Christopher Oatis, Lisa Garwood, and
Diana Cacy Hawkins for their wonderful reviews."
Elizabeth Bear sold her flash story "Formidable Terrain" to H. P.
Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror.
Charles Coleman Finlay sold "The Ill-Fated Crusade" to Paradox.
"This story didn't work at all in the first draft. Or the second. Only
slightly in the third. Thanks to everyone who kept poking holes in it
until I got it right."
While she hasn't mentioned it to us herself, we hear a rumor that Nora
Fleischer sold a story to IN THE OUTPOSTS OF BEYOND.
Derek R. Molata had another great month. He sold "Devine Reflux" to
Alien Skin Magazine for their October
2003 issue. He tells us: "I originally sold this to another 'zine but
they went belly up, so I sent it out again and it landed at Alien
Skin. Thanks to everyone on the OWW who made this one work, and who
I thanked the last time around." His story "Tanked" appears in the
September issue of Alien Skin. And he sold his poem "Of Lilies and
Cemetery Lanes" to Naked Snake Press for their December 2003 issue.
Ruth Nestvold got her name on the cover of the September issue of
Asimov's for her story "Looking Through Lace."
And we hear through
the grapevine (well, okay, we read it on the Rumor Mill) that she sold
another story last month, "Wooing Ai Kyarem," to Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine.
Sharon Partington has a short story in the September issue of
Sarah Prineas's 500-word snippet won first honorable mention (fourth
place) in Ralan's Grabber contest. The judges
included Candas Jane Dorsey, Brian A. Aldiss, Rob Kilheffer, and Lucy
Sussex. The winners of the contest get a hundred bucks and
publication in Ralan's new online magazine, The Specstravaganza.
Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! Marsha Sisolak joins a growing number of
members who are so blase about getting published that they can't even
be bothered to send a note to us anymore about their most recent
publications. Nevertheless we direct you to the latest issue of
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine where you can read her
humorous deal with the devil story, "Nine-Tenths."
M. Thomas's short story "Beguiling Mona" recently appeared in Strange
Horizons. She reminds us that it
was "Workshopped here!"
First sale! Lisa von Biela sold "Chain Reaction" to Alien Skin
Magazine for publication in their
December 2003 issue. She tells us: "This marks my first paying
acceptance. And, naturally, the story was workshopped here first.
Thank you, critters!"
First publication! Wade White's story "See Jack Run: An Intergalactic
Primer" is up at Strange Horizons.
"This is the first time I get to see my name in print! (Well, pixels
Breaking boundaries. Jeremy Yoder's short story "Bubble, Bubble, Toil
and Trouble" is going to be published in an mystery/crime genre
anthology this December entitled WHO DIED IN HERE? He tells us:
"Although it's not SF/F and therefore not workshopped, OWW-SFF has
helped my writing in many ways, so I wanted to share. Payment is $25,
a copy of the book, and an air freshener. (If you check out you'll see why.)"
August 2003
Gregory Banks writes us: "My novelette, 'Kachina Dawn,' which
unfortunately I never had the opportunity to workshop at OWW, has been
published by as an
e-book on sale now. Congratulations!
To boldly go where no workshopper has ever gone before: Elizabeth Bear
has been solicited by the editor of Nowa Fantastyka, Poland's
professional SF magazine, for Polish language reprint rights to "Ice,"
her very-first-ever workshopped story, which appeared in the March
2003 issue of Ideomancer. She says that "it was workshopped twice
and critted (and enormously improved) by Dena Landon, Kathryn Allen,
Tony Valiulis, Hannah Wolf Bowen, Ruth Nestvold, Larry West, Penelope
Hardy, Heather Williams, and Stella Evans--and possibly some persons
whose names have been lost to the mists of history." Then she added
something about Cossack-dancing that we probably shouldn't print in
the interest of international good will.
John Borneman's short story "A Wall of Brass" has been accepted for
Issue 11 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. This is the
second story in his Brass Man series; the first one, "The Brass Man,"
was published by ASIM in Issue 2 last year. John send his "thanks to
the OWW and my most excellent reviewers! You may begin patting
yourselves on the back."
Charles Coleman Finlay's short story "The Smackdown Outside Dedham"
will appear in H. P. Lovecraft's Magazine of Horror. He confesses:
"I workshopped this first as 'Out of Space' and was out of luck in
selling it, but then I rewrote it with the crits in mind and
workshopped it again as 'Smackdown in the North Woods' and finally
made enough changes to it to get it right. Thanks to everyone who read
the different versions."
Hey! Didn't we post this contest info in the newsletter? Darren Moore
won Second Place in the Slamdance Film Festival's 2003 SLAM FI Short Story Contest for his
story "Path to F'dar." In a giddy loss of grammar skills, he exclaimed
"it was critiqued a long time ago in OWW, thanks all! me so pumped..."
We understand.
Check out Ruth Nestvold's name on the cover of the September Asimov's. Sweet! You
can read a portion of her story, "Looking Through Lace," as well.
Lisa von Biela informs us that her story "Hunting with the Boys" is
now up on The Swamp. She says it was
"workshopped here first, of course! Thanks to all my critters!"
July 2003
Amberlin Books recently announced the publication of Jeff Wheeler's
novel, LANDMOOR, available now at and Amberlin Books are published by The Amberlin
Group, LLC, which owns and operates Deep Magic, the E-Zine of High
Fantasy and Science Fiction. Before LANDMOOR came to Deep Magic, Mr.
Wheeler submitted the entire novel to OWW and was very pleased with
the help he received from his fellow-members. He says, "The members
of the OWW who read this novel in its entirety here on the Web site
offered great insight. Those comments helped it succeed as a
serialized novel in Deep Magic and now in print."
Sales and Publications:
Leah Bobet sold her short story "Spirits" to
Fortean Bureau.
Hannah Wolf Bowen sold "Heavy Things" to Strange Horizons, tentatively to be published in
more-or-less November. She reminds us it's a workshop and focus-chat
The EXTREMES 5 anthology contains Marlissa
Campbell's story "La Rage," which is about Louis Pasteur, rabies, and
werewolves. The story was workshopped about two years ago as "The
Cure" and was an EC at the time.
Mark Fewell hits the trifecta! His story "Blood Is Thicker Than
Caravan Pay" appears online in the current issue of Shining Waters
Fantasy Literature.
His story "Especially The Rooster" will appear in the premier issue of
Flash Me Magazine on July 31. And
his story "Some Bullets" will appear in Hadrosaur Tales 2O,
scheduled for August 2004.
Okay, it's not a woohoo!, but Shoshanna Jaskoll sold her first
article, "You Might Be An EMS Spouse IF..." to EMS Magazine. She
wants to share.
On-base double: Derek R. Molata's story "Terminal Love" is currently
online in the July issue of Alien Skin Magazine, and he just sold "Blind Kismet" to
Alien Skin for their August issue. If you read Derek on the
workshop, you read those stories here first.
Ruth Nestvold sold "Shadow Memory" to Marsdust.
Darrell Pitt's story "Flesh" will appear in the next issue of Dark
Animus. He tells us that "Dark Animus is
seeking submissions for its magazine. It is the leading horror
magazine in Australia. And it's a great read!"
Sarah Prineas's story "Winged Victory" was an honorable mention in the
2003 Chizine contest, even though she
doesn't actually win anything or get published. She singles out Dan
Goss's workshop review as especially helpful, and is now looking for a
market for the dern thing.
First paying sale ever! John Schoffstall sold "The Girl of Flesh" to
Fortean Bureau. He sends a shout out:
"The story was written before I joined OWW, and was never up on the
workshop for crits. However, it was read privately by Meredith
Patterson, whom many of you know. Her liking of it was instrumental
in my decision to start writing fiction seriously again, and it was at
her suggestion that I joined OWW. Thanks, Meredith!"
Jean Seok's story "Isaac's Pyre" appears in the latest issue of
Chizine. She thanks Rhonda, Siobhan,
Hannah, Allen, eBear and Gary properly for reviewing it on the
Sockcess! M. Thomas's short story "Sock Heroes" appeared in the June
30 issue of Strange Horizons, where
it generated maybe as much bulletin board discussion as any story
there this year. Go check it out, if you haven't already.
Jeremy Tolbert's "Spooning" is in Ideomancer. He also recently sold them "Storm Comes
A'Callin". About the latter one, he says: "I owe it all to the
workshoppers. This one came straight from the photo game we
frequently play on instant messenger."
June 2003
Brad Beaulieu's fantasy short story "Flotsam" won second place in the
most recent Writers of the Future Contest. He writes: "I received
invaluable advice on this story. It never would have made it there
without help from the OWW critters." Congratulations, Brad!
Charles Coleman Finlay's story "We Come Not to Praise Washington" was
shortlisted for the Sidewise Award for alternate history.
Karin Lowachee's multiple EC-winning novel Warchild has been nominated
for another prize, this time Canada's prestigious Aurora Award. Go,
Jennifer Michaels "Ruining Lunchtime" was chosen as one of the winning
entries of The Writer's Ezine April 2003 Flash Fiction Contest.
(Jennifer tells us that another workshop member, Cal Bates, won as
well with "Junk Food." *sniff* Cal never emailed us, though.) Read the
winners at:
Darren Moore won twice. His story "The Most Daunting Task of All"
placed 2nd while his story "Path to F'Dar" placed 3rd, both in the
Professional Fantasy Category of the 2003 Eric Einersen Memorial Short
Story Contest. He told us "Both of these stories were critted at one
time or another here...Thanks all!" More simply, he added "me happy!"
"Backhoe Vultures" by John Borneman can be found in the June issue of
The Fortean Bureau.
Tim Brommer's first novel, THE HERETIC OF THE NORTH, is being
published by Runestone Hill press in
early 2004. He told us this: "The novel is the story of a powerful
heretic priest, Orius Candell, and of the people who are unwittingly
paving the way for his rise to power. Many of the book's chapters were
workshopped in the OWW." Other new writers may want to check out Tim's
success story at the web site.
Stella Evans's as-of-yet-untitled "Moon Challenge" piece has been
accepted at The Fortean Bureau. How
good do you have to be to sell untitled stories?! Sheesh.
Mark Fewell had an amazing month. His workshopped story "Stored
Dreams" appears in the Summer 2003 issue of Fantastic Stories of the
Imagination. He also received his contributor's copies of Hadrosaur
Tales 16, with his
short story "The King Of Balloons," workshopped on the horror
workshop. And his story "Blood Is Thicker Than Caravan Pay" has been
accepted by Shining Waters Fantasy Literature.
Way back in November 2001, chapters from Tamara Siler Jones's GHOSTS
IN THE SNOW were runner-up EC for best fantasy chapter. Now that
first novel and two others have been purchased by Bantam Dell. We
loved the understated subject line in her email to us: "I sold my book
Cacy Hawkins's short stories "To Terinole" and "For True Love" will
appear in the summer issue of Worlds of Wonder. She informs us that
"both of these stories were workshopped with OWW people. I am very
grateful to them for their help!"
Sandra McDonald saw her story "The Ghost Girls of Rumney Mill" in the
August issue of Realms of Fantasy. (Yes, that's the one with the
Harry Potter headline on the cover.) Her story "Lost and Found" was
the lead story at Strange Horizons
on 5/26/03.
Pam McNew's short story "A Daughter, Lost" was republished in a Folens
school text, along side other up-and-coming writers like Terry
Pratchett, J. R. R. Tolkien, Philip Pullman, Terry Bisson, and Alice
Walker. We're hoping she'll still talk to us when she sees us at cons
now. Wow.
New S&P regular Derek R. Molata sold a poem "Revolver" to the print
magazine Shadowland for the Summer 2003 issue. His flash story
"Terminal Love" will appear in AlienSkin Magazine in the July issue. He says, "Thanks to
all the helpful critters."
Sarah Prineas's first print sale "Seamtress" appears in the August
issue of Realms of Fantasy. She says it was "revised extensively via
the OWW."
"A Debased Comedy" by Gene Spears will appear in Paradox. He said,
calmly, that it's "MY VERY FIRST SALE!! With big thanks to Randy
Simpson, Chris Coen, Kirsten Faisal, and Michael Keyton for their
helpful crits."
"Elf Aware" by Tempest, aka Finley Larkin, will appear in a special
print supplement of The Cafe Irreal. This was her second-person POV
challenge story.
2002 EC winner John S. Walsh sold "Bridge of Sand" to the British
print magazine version of Alternate Species for their issue #2.
David Michael Wharton's comic story "The Waking Deep" appears in the
Atomic Age Treasury of Pulp Action, and his short story "Waiting for
Jackie" is being reprinted in the July issue of Scorched Wings. If
any of you know David, maybe you could get him to share some
information on those markets.
May 2003
Leah Bobet's poem "Psyche and Eros" is up at Strange Horizons this week, and her short story "Acts of
Monk" is up at Planet Relish all this month. She wins the Most Announcements of the
Month Award with two additional short story sales. "Dawn in Metropolis
City" will appear in the Cyberpulp anthology Truth, Justice, and the... and her story "Mavis T. Brigham's Week: September 8th to the
14th" will appear in Full Unit Hookup. Wow.
Susan Britton's first novel, The Treekeepers, which tells the story of
a street urchin named Bird who is entrusted with a seed for a sacred
tree, will be released by Dutton Children's Books next month. Susan
informs us that "many early chapters were helpfully critted by members
of this workshop some time ago. (I think I went by the name of Skeeter
then.) Thanks to everybody!" You can preorder it from Amazon.
"The Book of Things Which Must Not Be Remembered" by C. Scavella
Burrell can now be read at Strange Horizons.
Chris Clarke sold "The Snow Queen's Risk Assessment" to the Wheatland
Press anthology Polyphony 3. Chris remarks that he's "pretty happy
with that one." We bet!
Kyri Freeman's short story "The Path" can be read at Ideomancer this
Matt Horgan's short story "Servant of the Servants of God" can be read
in The Fortean Bureau issue for May.
Celia Marsh made her first short-story sale ever with "Wounds" to
Polyphony 3. She tells us "I seriously thought it was the strangest
rejection letter I'd gotten at first -- 'would like to accept your
story for publication in Polyphony 3.' Then I was sure it was a
mistake, or a mean trick. But since the TOC has been released, I've
become convinced that they really did mean my story and so I'd like to
thank my reviewers -- Leah Bobet, Hannah Bowen, Elizabeth Bear, Jeremy
Tolbert, Matt Horgan, Ilona Gordon, Kathryn Allen, Sharon Woods, Beth
Bernobich, and most of the Drowwzoo chat room who read it or at least
listened to me fret about it."
Martin McGrath sold "One Step Forward," a tale of cloned Lenins,
hologramic Stalin, an AI Trotsky, and a robot Marx caught up in a
future civil war, to The Fortean Bureau. He told the mailing list: "Thanks to
all those who reviewed it when it was up on the OWW earlier this year
-- normally I'd have all your names but I lost them. So you'll have
only your own sense of satisfaction rather than the fame of a mention
Derek R. Molata sold his poem "Pink Panties" to print magazine Scared
Naked and his short story "Divine Reflux" to the paying e-zine
Orbital Injection. Derek writes:
"'Divine Reflux' was critted on the OWW several times under the title
'Theological Retribution.' Thanks for all the help from Jaime, eBear,
Leah, Mandy, Charlie, Kevin, Bret, Mek, Jer, Cacy, Andre, Kirsten, and
Hannah! Phew! Yeah, it sure made the rounds. :P" Hey, whatever it
Sarah Prineas and John Borneman's co-authored submission, "A Treatise
on Elemental Magic," has been accepted for publication in Eggplant
Literary Productions Library, which publishes short
excerpts from books that exist outside our ordinary plane of
existence. Sarah explains: "'A Treatise on Elemental Magic' came about
when John wrote to me and jokingly expounded on a few of the 'rules'
and 'science' behind my elemental magic -- which I use in quite a few
of my stories. I called John's bluff and turned his 'scientific
descriptions' into the Eggplant submission." Sarah and John, who
formed their friendship critting each other in the workshop, are happy
to be published together.
Jeff Stanley's prize-winning e-book Tainted Gardenis available from
Random House for $2.99. This book won a Gallery contest for best
workshop novel when we were sponsored by Del Rey. You can order your
copy here.
M. Thomas sold "The Poor Man's Wife" to Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet. She sends her "thanks to all who reviewed it, especially
Hank Jones who found a mistake in the money lesson!"
Jeremy Tolbert sold "Spooning" to Ideomancer. He's reluctant to say anything more about
it than that, but we're looking forward to reading it. This is his
first short-story sale.
Wade White sold "See Jack Run: An Intergalactic Primer" to Strange Horizons. Wade writes: "This is my
first pro sale, and my second sale total since joining the OWW last
April (which, incidentally, is also about the time I started writing
seriously). Thanks to critters Mike Farrell, Adrian Firth, Diana Cacy
Hawkins, Kevin Miller, John Nolan, Chris Peterson, M. Thomas, Sherry
Thompson (and also Marsha Sisolak who gave me the thumbs up for it
offline) for their helpful input and suggestions. And thanks to the
OWW in general for creating a great place for writers to learn the
craft." You're welcome. :-)
April 2003
While it's neither a sale nor a publication, congratulations go out to
workshop members Marsha Sisolak and Chance Morrison for being accepted
to the Clarion summer writing workshop. Marsha will be joining Tempest
at Clarion West and Chance will go to Clarion East. Here's hoping they
have as good an experience as all the previous OWWers who've attended
We also received this special notice from The Fortean Bureau about their April issue:
"This is the extra-special 'Weird myths and fairy tales' issue, edited
by Kimberly Bradford, better known around the workshop as Tempest.
This month's issue includes: 'The Dying of the Light,' non-traditional
weirdness by workshoppers Elizabeth Bear, aka Ebear, and Amber van
Dyk, aka Mek; 'Dryad's Dilemma,' backyard weirdness by workshopper S.
Evans, aka Stella; 'The Odaeneid,' god 'n' goddess weirdness by
not-a-workshopper-but-still-pretty-cool Toiya Kristen Finley; 'Along
Your Way,' ubercreepy weirdness by workshopper Pam McNew (the boss
says she's ' Kelly Link, only a steelworker' -- you heard it
here first); and 'Conversations with the Sea,' tragic weirdness by
workshopper Kenneth D. Woods." They say check it out.
Sales and Publications:
Elizabeth Bear sold a novel excerpt from HAMMERED to the literary
print magazine Harpur Palate. This one was much workshopped and she
says "the list of thanks is too long to go into name by name, but
thanks and thanks again to everybody who looked at it."
John Borneman sold his my fantasy/slipstream story "Backhoe Vultures"
to The Fortean Bureau. John
confesses, "I actually workshopped this story twice. Along the way,
luminaries such as Jaime Voss, EBear, Mike the Janitor, Larry West,
Roger Anderson, Dan Goss, Melinda Kimberly, Carol Bartholomew, and Pen
Hardy helped me to refine the story. I also need to send an
extra-special thank you to Sarah Prineas who performed a very special
deep review outside the workshop. Thanks to all! The OWW is the best!"
John Borneman's "A Spell of Rats in Bad Places" appears in the April
issue of Planet Relish. This was
written for the "rats in bad places" challenge, and continues the
newsletter's streak of challenge sales. It was a good month for John!
Hannah Bowen's story "Tin Cup Heart" is up right now in the April
md's flash piece "fading" is featured in the April premiere issue of
the e-zine _Worlds of Wonder_
( He told the mailing list,
"There's no money, there's no print, but it feels good."
Congratulations to Jennifer Michaels for selling her first story! "The
Bargain" appears in the April issue of EOTU Magazine. "I workshopped
the story twice here on OWW. Thank you to everyone who helped polish
it up for submission!"
And here's another first-timer! Derek R. Molata writes: "I made my
first sale ever on a poem titled 'Central Park Omniscience' to
& Blood.
Darren Moore's short story "Heartseeker" won third place in the Bard's
Ink Short Story Contest. He wrote to tell us about it because, as he
says, while "this one wasn't workshopped here, the advice I'd received
workshopping other pieces contributed."
From the Better Late Than Never Dept: Debbie Moorhouse's nonfiction
article "Manhole Covers in Space -- and Online" appeared months ago in
Strange Horizons but is
still worth going to read. Debbie tells us that "the research you do
when preparing a non-fiction piece can help you with fiction -- both
in terms of honing the research skills needed and of what you might
find. The discipline of sticking strictly to the facts while holding
the reader's interest is useful training for when your fiction feels
constrained by the need for accuracy -- it's all good practice."
And Sarah Palmero's "Patchwork" is up in the April
Mikal Trimm sold "Gramma," a dark short story about family ties, to
The Palace of Reason. He says "it's
about darned time I sold another story -- I was getting withdrawal
March 2003
R. Scott Bakker's The Darkness that Comes Before, Book 1 of The
Prince of Nothing trilogy, will be released by Penguin Canada on
April 12th. Scott wrote us: "I would not be published today if not for
the Online Writing Workshop. I learned more in the two years I spent
trading critiques in your forum than in the previous fifteen I spent
writing on my own. Things were often hairy, sometimes scary, but
always productive." He added, "more important than all the small
wisdoms I accumulated is the network of lasting friendships I
developed. The workshop gave me a community--perhaps the most
important thing any writer can have." His book is available at
Scott will be at Ad Astra and at Worldcon, and he will be giving a
reading with Robert Sawyer and Caitlin Sweet on Monday, May 12, 2003,
7:30 PM at the University of Toronto's Hart House Library.
Audra Bruno sold her paranormal romance novel Leopards in Love to
growing small press publisher ImaJinn, which has also published six
novels by workshop alum Keri Arthur. Signing the contract has left
Audra speechless: "I have a hard enough time with my flash sale
woohoos; the thought of announcing a novel sale is a little
overwhelming. How crazy is that?" Not crazy at all. :-) Numerous
members remember critiquing that one as it made its way through the
workshop, so we're looking forward to updates from her as she get
closer to publication.
Jeff Stanley's novel Tainted Garden will be available as an e-book from
Random House in May. It's a bargain at $2.99 US. Jeff won Del Rey's
Gallery Contest when Del Rey still sponsored the workshop.
(You'll be able to buy it here.) Kyri
Freeman, who critted it on the workshop, calls it a "New Pulpy SF
novel with some interesting biology and lots of slime and tentacles."
She added, "I really liked it."
Sales and Publications:
People use our market tips: Clover Autrey's story "Jase's Challenge"
appears in March issue of Deep Magic. She tells us that "it's a story
close to my heart so I'm thrilled to have it go to a good place.
Thanks for the tip!" You're welcome.
Kathryn (her first story sale for money) Allen will see "Incubus" in
Abyss & Apex. She wrote it originally
for the parasite challenge and finally submitted it someplace because,
she tells us, "I decided it was time to stop passing on advice I
wasn't taking."
Elizabeth Bear and Amber van Dyk sold "The Dying of the Light" to
The Fortean Bureau. Bear explains that
"it's a very nontraditional little story about leannan sidhe, Phil
Ochs, and necrophilia" and send thanks out to their reviewers Rhonda
S. Garcia, Kyri Freeman, Stella Evans, Larry West, Jaime Voss, Leah
Bobet, Kathryn Allen, Sarah Prineas, and Chelsea Polk.
Leah Bobet sold her second person short story "Teeth" to City Slab. "Thanks go out to," she tells us, "(in no
particular order): Elizabeth Bear, Ruth Nestvold, John Borneman, Tom
Brown, Audra Bruno, Kyri Freeman, and Joanie Raisovich for critting
the piece on a very tight deadline." And she's sold her poem "Psyche
and Eros" to Strange Horizons, her
first sale to a pro market! She sends "thanks and shout-outs to John
Borneman, Jaime Voss, and Elizabeth Bear: all consummate critters and
boosters of poetry on the OWW!"
Angela Boord's fantasy story "Ice for the King" appeared in
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, issue #5, February, 2003.
John Borneman's series of five short-shorts, "Dr Susan Lee Research
Notes" appears beside Angela. You can order the issue and read them
both by visiting the magazine's site.
Hannah Bowen sold "Pinned" to Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet.
She reports that "writer of said short story is busily happy-dancing
about the room." We bet!
An update from last month: Wendy Delmater sold another humor piece to
Survivor Wit. "The Daily Marathon" is part of her "Emotional Special
Olympics" series that has been appearing there. Wendy says, " strikes again with a good market and a
terrific editor to work with."
John Dodds writes us that "my story 'Dr. North's Wound,' workshopped
here, is being published in the anthology BREAKING WINDOWS: A
Fantastic Metropolis Sampler, in April 2003. Other authors in the
anthology include Michael Moorcock, Jeffrey Ford, Barrington J. Bayley
and Rachel Pollak." Details can be found at
When is a challenge story not a challenge story? When it's "Dryad's
Dilemma" by Stella Evans. She tells us "this story started as part of
the parasite challenge and took an abrupt left turn about six
paragraphs in." It's going to appear in the fairy tale/myth issue of
The Fortean Bureau.
Charles Coleman Finlay sold his twice-workshopped story "The Seal
Hunter" to The Magazine of Fantasy and
Science Fiction.
An OWW member cracks a new market: Jason Fryer's short story "Reaching
for a Distant City" can be found in The Rose & Thorn (A Literary
Magazine). He writes: "I
originally developed the story on the OWW last year, and found the
suggestions provided quite helpful in writing the final draft."
Heidi Kneale's short story "Ellie Loves Josh" appears in the March
issue of Planet Relish. She says "The
really REALLY neat thing is that it was the first market I pitched it
to." Lookit that -- it's March. Go read it now.
Another sale from the second-person POV writing challenge: Pam McNew's
short story "Along Your Way" will appear in the April issue of
The Fortean Bureau.
She tells us that the
story was much improved by her reviewers: CMS Burrell, Mikal Trimm,
Chris Clarke, Larry West, Robert Sinclair, The Tempest, A Bruno, JW
Wrenn, Marsha Sisolak, Charles Coleman Finlay, Paul Ray and Kevin
Chelsea Polk sold "Le Bel Homme Sans Merci" to Abyss & Apex. She tells us: "Thanks to Pen who knew
that it was Bel and not Beau; to Jaime, who liked it so well that she
insisted I keep sending it till I found an editor brave enough to take
it; to Celia, who wouldn't let me give it away for nothing; and to
Marsha, who told me that my symbols had to cooperate."
Sarah Palmero just sold "Patchwork" to Chiaroscuro. She tells us: "First sale for me and all
that. I'm still floating around." She neglects to mention that her
first sale is a pro sale!
Sarah Prineas informs us that her short story "The Fates Take a
Holiday" has been accepted for Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
issue #9. She notes that "somehow I lost my file of reviews on that
story, so I can't thank reviewers individually. It was workshopped,
though, so thanks, OWW! The version I submitted to ASIM was
substantially revised."
Another March publication to go read: Mark Reeder's story
"Prometheus's Tears" appears in Deep Magic. Mark writes that "insightful
reviews tightened up the story line, found obvious mistakes and made
the piece much better overall. Thanks, everyone."
And Marsha Sisolak sold her demonic possession story "Nine-Tenths" to
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine for Issue 8. In her typical
restrained fashion, she wrote: "Oooooh! Print market! Shiny!
Tempest has been accepted to both Clarion
East and Clarion West, prestigious
six-week workshops for SF/F writers.
Choices, choices. :-) Congratulations, Temps!
M. Thomas sold her short story "Sock Heroes" to Strange Horizons, where it's tentatively scheduled for
June. She sends out "thanks to all who helped!" and says "I'm still in
the tingly, I-can't-believe-it phase. :)"
Publishing machine Mikal Trimm has recent poetry sales to Abyss & Apex, Crux, Just Weird Enough, Snow Monkey, the speculative
poetry magazine Star*Line, and the JULIA, DAUGHTER OF... anthology.
His story "Cable and the Sword of Destiny" also appears in the
Storyville Anthology.
We're happy to report another first sale: Ken Woods sold
"Conversations With The Sea" to The Fortean Bureau. Ken writes: "The idea for this story
was born when Leah Bobet and I decided to have a mini-challenge based
on/inspired by Loreena McKennitt's song 'Dante's Prayer.' Big thanks
to Leah Bobet, Hannah Bowen, Cathy 'Chance' Morrison, Elizabeth Bear,
Jeremy Tolbert, and Kimberly 'Tempest' Bradford."
February 2003
It's not too late to catch Leah Bobet's first print fiction
publication. "With the Help of Your Good Hands" is in the current
issue of Canada's premiere SF magazine, On Spec. She also sold poem "The Penultimate Pendragon"
to Aoife's Kiss, with thanks to workshop members Elizabeth Bear and
John Borneman for their supremely helpful comments.
C. Scavella Burrell sold "The Book of Things Which Must Not Be
Remembered" to Strange Horizons.
It's her first pro sale, but, we suspect, far from her last.
We heard a rumor that Wendy Delmater sold something to one of her
regular markets. Well, actually, we heard it from Wendy, so it's
probably not a rumor. But she's been too busy to e-mail us the
details, so check back for them next month.
Publication-announcement regular Stella Evans had her story
"Opalescence" accepted for publication in the upcoming anthology In the Outposts of Beyond. She tells us: "I found the market on Ralan;
I'd had a vague idea about opals, space opera, and a retired space
pirate kicking around in my head. This seemed like the perfect
market, so once I got the piece on paper (and revised and edited six
or seven times), I sent it off. I'd like to thank Larry West,
Elizabeth Bear, and Jennie Golo for their help smoothing out grammar,
finding plot and action-sequence holes, and helping me streamline the
Mark Fewell sold his first story to a webzine. He wrote: "This was a
goal I set for myself this year -- though I've sold plenty of fiction
to print magazines, I've never been able to sell to an online market."
"Sam's Son's Hair" appears in the February 2003 issue of pro-rate zine
The Palace of Reason.
Charles Coleman Finlay's novella "The Political Officer" (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,
April 2002) is a finalist for the Nebula Award. When asked about
this, he said: "Wow!"
Matt Horgan sold "Servant of the Servants of God" to The Fortean Bureau. Matt says: "I originally
wrote this for the epistolary-story challenge in August. Rather than
single out any one particular reviewer, I'd like to thank them all as
I learned something from each of them: Ruth Nestvold, Pam McNew,
Elizabeth Bear, Lizzie Newell, Susan Boulton, Gary Peterson, Jeremy
Tolbert and M Thomas."
Debra Kemp dropped us a note from Cloud 9: She recently signed a
contract for her first novel with AmberQuill Press and The House of Pendragon I: The Firebrand will be published sometime later this year. She tells us:
"It only took seven years and 207 rejections to make the right
connection!" If that weren't enough, "The Awakening," an excerpt from
her second novel, earned first place in the 2002 Bardsong Press Celtic
Voices contest. And, because
every cake needs icing, she notes that "A Passing Fair Lady," another
of her Arthurian stories, placed 10th in the Preditors and Editors
readers poll.
Darrell Newton sold short story "A Taste of Earth" to Deep Magic. He told us: "Thanks for the
site. It's really helped." You're welcome!
Meredith L. Patterson and her mutual-fund writing-income account
danced around the kitchen together for her first sale of '03: "Render
Unto Caesar" was bought by The Fortean Bureau for their March issue. Her story
description: "It's about an annual reunion of a family in which
sainthood and premature hair loss jointly skip generations." How can
you not go read it now? Where "now" equals "March 1st," that is.
Sarah Prineas's story "The Savage Infant" was workshopped in August
for the epistolary challenge. She just sold it to the new pro print
magazine Paradox, where it will appear in issue #3. Sarah says:
"Thanks to reviewers Brad Beaulieu (returns all reviews, great
reviewer), Lizzie Newell, Ruth Nestvold, Larry West (whose keen eye
caught a historical error), Cath Emery, the maaahvelous John Borneman
(whose review was amazingly thorough and helpful), Jon Paradise, Randy
Simpson, Kyri Freeman, and Elizabeth Bear. You guys rule!"
James Stevens-Arce has followed up his
novel Soulsaver with a short story called "Souls" sold to the original
crime anthology Fedora 2, due out sometime this year.
Amber Van Dyk sold short story "Sour Metal" to Alchemy. According to
Amber, how the sale happened is a story in itself: "Weird thing -- the
editor read my blog, liked the story idea I'd posted, and asked if I'd
send it to him when I wrote it. So, not being a dummy, I did. And he
bought it."
Lisa von Biela's story "Gift Horse" can be found currently at
Horrorfind. She writes: "Many thanks to
all who contributed their comments!"
Steve Westcott's novel Reluctant Heroes, which old-time workshoppers
may recall (if this old-time workshopper recalls correctly) as
"Bruvvers in Arms," was released on January 31st. The launch took
place at W H Smith in Douglas, on the Isle of Man, where more than
sixty copies were sold over four days. W H Smith, the biggest book
chain in the UK, is taking the title on nationally in all 550 stores.
(More about the book) Steve also
has a story, an article, and an interview online this month at Deep Magic.
January 2003
Elizabeth Bear started the new year by selling her dark sexy SF story
"Speak!" to On Spec. And her very clever poem "e. e. 'Doc'
cummings" will appear in the March issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. She submitted this
one on a dare after mentioning the idea on the workshop mailing list.
Hannah Bowen sold her fantasy short story "Among the Cedars" to
Ideomancer. It was a second-person
workshop challenge piece. And "Tin Cup Heart" will appear in issue
#16 of Chiaroscuro. Hannah was bouncy:
"That's a first pro sale for this very giddy girl."
Stella Evans did a little happy dance when she sold "The Pineapple
Girl" to Abyss & Apex.
She thanks her reviewers: "You Know Who You Are."
Mark Fewell sold "Gary, The Hot Dog King, and The Demon-Possessed
Beard Trimmer" to new 'zine on the scene Elsewhen. This story was
workshopped on the horror workshop.
Charles Coleman Finlay sold "Pervert" to The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. He thanks all his
reviewers, especially Dan Goss who helped him solve a key problem with
the opening hook and pacing. His novella "The Political Officer"
(F&SF, April 2002) made the preliminary Nebula ballot and has been
picked up by Gardner Dozois for The Year's Best SF. And his novelet
"For Want of a Nail" will appear in the March issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, out
in late January.
Daniel Goss's EC-winning short story "Bioplastic Blues" appears in the
January issue of Ideomancer. Your
newsletter editor says go read it!
Karen Kobylarz sold "A Perfect Game" to online 'zine Elysian Fiction. For other members submitting to this
market, Karen tells us: "They pay up-front on acceptance, but it's
taking a while for my story to be published."
Dorothy Lindman's story "Dialogos" is in the current issue of The Fortean Bureau. She told the mailing
list: "this story is such a departure from what I usually write -- it
has no real conflict, no plot, very little character development, no
action -- it's basically two guys 'chatting' in a kitchen and making a
string of historical and mythological in-jokes. I figured there was no
point in even submitting it; I workshopped it just for the heck of
it." She added: "I'm not the best judge of my own work."
Navy veteran and Hollywood refugee Sandra McDonald sold a short story
to _Realms of Fantasy_, but was much too modest to tell us the title
or anything about it. A quick check of her member directory entry
shows recent sales to the Fall 2002 issue of cutting edge skiff-lit
'zine Electric Velocipede, with upcoming stories in Space and Time
and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. We didn't know about
those either. What's a poor newsletter guy to do?
Deja vu! Sarah Prineas got a New Year's Eve acceptance from Realms of Fantasy for "Seamstress." It's her third pro sale all over again.
After being chided in the last newsletter for forgetting us, Tempest
reported in with her latest sales, "The Birth of Pegasus" to the To Die For...
anthology and her absinthe flash "Why I Don't Drink
Anymore" to Abyss & Apex.
Amber van Dyk sold "Out for the Count" to The Fortean Bureau. She says, "Thanks especially to Marsha
Sisolak for the last minute help, and coming up with the snappy,
clever title!"
Jennifer de Guzman, "Counterpoint"
Charles Coleman Finlay, "A Democracy of Trolls," "The Frontier Archipelago,"
"We Come Not to Praise Washington"
Ruth Nestvold, "Princes and Priscilla"
Benjamin Rosenbaum, "Droplet," "On the Cliff by the River"
Siobhan Carroll, "Mrs. Wolf"
Charles Coleman Finlay, "A Democracy of Trolls," "Fading Quayle,
Dancing Quayle"
Pam McNew, "The Gardener" (poem)
Meredith L. Patterson, "Principles and Parameters"
Nancy Proctor, "Mr. Neblin's Boy"
Benjamin Rosenbaum, "The Orange"
Amber Van Dyk, "Scatter Heart," "Sleeping, Waking, Nightfall,"
"The Queen of Hearts"
Ruth Nestvold's much-anticipated novella "Looking Through Lace" has
finally been scheduled for publication in the September issue of
Asimov's. Keep your eye out for it!